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The win-win company that could go far with unchanging passion

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Projects of Aju Affiliates

Contribution activities carried out by affiliated companies of Aju are hands-on volunteer projects in which executives and employees select their own approaches in making contributions. Aju’s volunteer team, founded in 2006, has been doing its utmost in supporting disadvantaged communities, and the experiences of helping and witnessing change has been rewarding. Through our renowned projects such as Aju Corporation’s ‘Green City,’ Aju Capital’s ‘Aju Financial Education,’ and Aju QMS’s ‘Aju Easy IT,’ we have also been able to witness positive change and reactions from the community.

Aju Corporation ‘Green City’
  • Considering environmental sustainability as a critical mission, Aju Corporation is driven to ensure a healthier environment and support local communities.
    As a leader in the construction materials industry, Aju Corporation has been reducing its environmental impact through its eco-friendly ready-mix concrete brand ‘Green-Wox.’
    Launched in 2008, the affiliated company has also strived to enhance urban environments through its contribution brand ‘Green City.’ Under the goal of improving urban surroundings and the lives of local residents, we have been transforming facilities into eco-friendly establishments and enhancing urban atmospheres through creating green zones on concrete walls and public buildings.
    In addition to our efforts related to the environment, we have been cooperating with Beautiful Store and organized a book donation campaign, and also have been helping elderly patients visit the Korea Nursing Home with vehicles of Suwon branch.

Aju Happy Global Village
  • With the commitment to improve the lives of the underprivileged around the world, we have launched a global contribution project titled Aju Happy Global Village.
    The project strives to help children and adolescents facing an opportunity divide due to poor surroundings to seize opportunities and have greater ambitions.
    Implemented in various countries in and around Southeast Asia, our volunteer team consisting of approximately 20 executives and employees, travels overseas each year to improve the environment for education. In particular, in cooperation with the government of Vietnam and Cambodia, we are engaged in various activities such as repairing school facilities, establishing libraries, planting trees, constructing wells, and painting crumbling outer walls.

Flint of Love
  • Since its launch in 2005, Flint of Love has been held each year to deliver briquettes and Gimjang Kimchi to low-income households.
    As one of Aju’s long-term social contribution program, Flint of Love reached different regions of Korea including Seoul, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, and more. With the commitment to serve the underprivileged during the winter, Aju’s volunteer team, consisting of approximately 300 people, have participated every year reaching donations of 600,000 briquettes and 4400kg of Gimjang Kimchi in total.

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